Wheat, a cereal grain originally from the Near East's Levant region, is now grown worldwide. In 2013, its global production was 713 million tons, making it the third most-produced cereal after maize (1,016 million tons) and rice (745 million tons). In 2009, wheat ranked second with 682 million tons, following maize (817 million tons) and closely trailing rice (679 million tons). This versatile grain is grown on the largest land area among all commercial foods. It leads in global trade and serves as the primary source of vegetable protein in human food, boasting higher protein content than maize and rice. Archaeological records trace its beginnings to the Fertile Crescent.

Botanical Name Triticum spp
Packing Size 15KG, 25KG, 30KG, 50KG Jute or PP Bags as per buyer requirement.
Origin Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab ,Karnataka, Chandigarh, U.P., M.P.
Type Hard Red Winter wheat, Soft Millingwheat, Durum, White wheat.
Specification Moisture: 13.5 % max, Protein: 12.5% min, Sprouted grains: 2% Max, Wt Gluten 25 to 26%.
Uses Generally wheat is used in main food. wheat can be found in some form at almost every meal. Breads, cookies, cakes, crackers, macaroni, spaghetti, and other forms of pasta are made from flour, which is ground up kernels of wheat.
Harvest Month April, May, Jun